How To Play The Game / Controls [message #313] |
Tue, 04 February 2025 22:17 |
Messages: 37 Registered: October 2022
Member Administrator |
Hello guys - this is a quick starter for how to play the first early access build of School Simulator.
[Coming February 14th, 2025]
All Modes
Selecting/Choosing: Right Mouse Button
Scrolling: Mouse
-Move the mouse to the edge of the screen (or game window) to move your view around the campus map
Zoom In/Out: Mouse Wheel
Take Screenshot: F12 Key
-Screenshots are placed in the Screenshots subfolder in the School Simulator folder
Console: ~ or F10 Key
Mini-Menu: ESC Key
-Save the game
-Review controls
-Change settings
-Exit the Game
Construction Mode
Show/Hide Control Panel: Tab Key
In construction mode the control bar on right has the following choices from top to bottom:
--Build / Place / Customize
----Places an empty hallway if the tile is blank
----If the tile is a empty hallway, allows you to place a room
----If a room is there, some can be customized further
----Removes construction from selected tile
--Place Staircase
----Will place a staircase on this column of tiles
----All tiles on the column must be open or a blank hallway
----The staircase should automatically expand higher/lower should additional floors be added/removed
--Place Canteen
----The canteen is a large multi-floor building that must be placed independently
--Place Gymnasium
----The gymnasium is a very large multi-floor building that must be placed independently
--Go Back
----Returns to the main control bar
-Opens the school policies screen where you can set:
----Western or Asian school type
----Maximum class size
----Authority to use/assign specific punishments
----Corporal punishment procedures
(All policies must be set before you can open the school and begin the simulation)
Pause / Stop Watch
-Gives you the choice to open the school if everything is ready
-If everything is not ready, tells you what you need
Layer View
-Click to peelback various layers to see inside of buildings, rooms, etc
-Not all rooms will peel back the same or the same depth
-Turns the tile grid on/off
-The tile grid can be used to aid exact construction
Simulation Mode
Interact List - I Key
-This will cycle through all characters in the current tile your mouse is on; the currently selected character will be highlighted in yellow.
---Keep pressing the I key to sort through all the other characters on the tile
---Press the P key to cancel
---Press the O key to select the highlighted character and open the character interaction window
Character Interaction Window
-If the character you selected is being controlled by you, you will get a list of options of things he can do ("self-interactions")
-If the character you selected is not being controlled by you, you will get a list of options that your character can do interacting with this other character ("character interactions")
---Options greyed out mean they are not available for this character type / combination (i.e. - a student can't write up a teacher)
---Options oranged out are not yet implemented, but will be in future builds
If You Are Controlling a Character
-WASD / Arrow keys to move
-Q / E or Page Up / Page Down keys to go up and down stairs
-"." (period key) will find your selected character and move the view to him
-R key will release the character from your control
[Not Implemented]Bring Up Multiplayer Chat Pane - Enter Key
Show/Hide Control Panel: Tab Key
In simulation mode the control bar on right has the following choices from top to bottom:
-Opens up a list of all characters in the simulation, sorted by role
---Click the up and down arrows to cycle through the list
---Click a character's name open up the character trait screen, where you can adjust their traits
---Click the magnifier glass next to a character's name to go to that character on the game map
---Click the puppeteer icon next to a character's name to take direct control of that character
-Opens the school policies screen where you can set:
----Authority to use/assign specific punishments
----Corporal punishment procedures
(You cannot change the school type or maximum class size while in simulation mode)
Pause / Stop Watch
-Pause/Unpause the game (you can also pause the game by pressing ESC)
-[Not Enabled] Skip ahead to next period
-[Not Enabled] Continue to next day or engage in more construction
Layer View
-Click to peelback various layers to see inside of buildings, rooms, etc
-Not all rooms will peel back the same or the same depth
-Turns the tile grid on/off
-The tile grid can be used to see what characters are on a particular tile; much the game logic internally uses these tiles for character A.I., placement, etc
[Updated on: Thu, 06 February 2025 12:37] Report message to a moderator